The Traveller The Untold Stories of Cupid the Complete Series by Ken Kmamal


- A Novelette Series…The Traveller will have the fortunate, misfortune, of being an eyewitness to the collapse of this world.

Consecution One

The Traveller, is guided by the innocence of a child, to free himself from a rock, that covers the freedom of innocence.

Consecution Two

The Traveller, goes into rarified air…a costly walk into the clouds and eager crowds.

Consecution Three

The Traveller, learns that pools are for fools. That is… pools of water that spark forces at night…and no elevated height…will save you.

Libby Library The Traveller the Untold Stories of Cupid Consectuions by Ken Kammal Author

Gratitude & Appreciation

I remember when I sold only one or two books a week. And, even when no one knew of my books or writings. I want to take the time to reflect and be in the present of what is happening. To hear individuals repeat my writings back to me, and the excitement in their voice and the honor in my heart. Thank you to all - who read, listen, and hear…what I call the utterances of my Soul.